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Twisted Staircase






Help individuals and groups

  • Work productively with differences and conflict

  • De-escalate existing conflict

  • Have conversations about perceived conflict

  • Surface and examine what the conflict is really about

  • Discover underlying issues that may lead to conflict.


  • Interview and/or survey members of an organization or team to assess what may be the source of conflict/differences and processes currently in place to manage conflict.

  • Take a systems (rather than an interpersonal) approach to understanding conflict

    • Are there structural issues (e.g., role or task conflicts) that need to be clarified?

    • What are the parties involved “holding” on behalf of the larger system?

    • Is there a larger organizational conflict that needs to be explored that is being given expression by the conflicting parties?

    • What is happening in the larger environment? How does the organizational conflict reflect or mirror the external context?

  • Design and facilitate dialogic processes

  • Design and facilitate meetings and retreats for teams or departments to clarify purpose and understand individual roles

  • Design and implement training programs for communicating and working with conflict


“What I found most useful about Tracy’s work with our group was her ability to bring out issues amongst us that we probably would not have dealt with without her help. I think that everything she covered was very helpful. Tracy listened to everyone’s comments. She gave us all the time we needed to get our thoughts together. I really appreciate her ability to help us maintain a calm and peaceful discussion, that may have gotten out of hand without her assistance.”


Tracy Wiggins

Boston Public Library

“Never having done this before, I had extensive reservations for myself and my staff. After interviews both inside and outside the system, and many questions to Tracy, I felt generally good about the process going in; better during the meeting and also after the meeting. I have appreciated her expertise and willingness to delve into tough issues.”


Elaine James

Boston Public Library

Experience &


  • Designed and facilitated retreats for participants to explore areas of differences, discover areas of agreement, and pave a path forward

  • Authored three publications on a group relations approach to conflict transformation

  • Certification in Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP-I, CDP 360)

  • Certificate in Community Mediation, Metropolitan Mediation Services, Brookline, MA

  • One of 20 participants selected world-wide to participate in Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) and the American Society of International Law (ASIL) Summer Workshop on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding in Divided Societies: What Role of the International Community? 2011

  • Training in anti-racism and multiculturalism with Visions Inc.

  • Training in System-Centered Theory and Practice (Yvonne Agazarian, Ph. D.)

  • Peer Reviewed Journals
    Wallach, T. (2019) What do Participants Learn at Group Relations Conferences: A report on a conference series on the theme of Authority, Power and Justice. Organizational and Social Dynamics 19(1), 1-20. Wallach, T. (2014). What Do Participants Learn at Group Relations Conferences?. Organizational and Social Dynamics, 14(1), 13-38. Wallach, T. (2013). Teaching group dynamics: An international perspective. The Journal of Pedagogy, Pluralism, and Practice, V (1). Wallach, T. (2012). Authority, Leadership and Peacemaking: The Role of the Diasporas: The Intersection of the Personal and the Political in a Group Relations Conference. Organizational and Social Dynamics, 12(2). 171-193. Wallach, T. (2004). Transforming conflict: A group relations perspective. Peace and Conflict Studies, 11(1), 76-95. Wallach, T. (1994). Gender and competition in group psychotherapy. Group, 1 (1), 29-36.
  • Book Chapter
    Wallach, T. (2006). Conflict transformation: A group relations perspective. In M. Fitzduff & C. E. Stout (Eds.), The psychology of resolving global conflicts: From war to peace (Vol. 1, pp. 285-306). U.K.: Praeger Security International.
  • Other
    Wallach, T. (2011). Authority, Leadership and Peacemaking: The Role of the Diasporas. NSGP Newsletter, 32 (2), 12. Wallach, T. (2002). Leadership and dialogue in conditions of uncertainty: A view from the outside, published online at Track 3 Connections.
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